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Meditation for beginners


How's everyone going? This post is about one special thing that really change my energy, my thoughts and I can say my life: MEDITATION!

I remember, years and years ago, when some friends spoke to me, still  in Brazil, about everyday's meditation. I thought in that time that I couldn't never do it, because I wondered how was possible someone staying seated doing anything, thinking about nothing? I was a bit anxious and I couldn't even imagine how to stop and do it. So, I starded some yoga classes and I really enjoyed the Shavasana posture in the end of classes (pose of total relaxaxion) and then learnt that was possible to relax and maybe try some meditation.

Since than, I never stoped. Meditation is so powerful that is hard to explain all its benefits, but in the first time you try it, you can see the initial results. 

Meditation has helped me to transform all my old habits, it’s helped me to become more focused, more peaceful, less worried about things that doesn't matter, more happy and attentive to everything in my life. I’m far from perfect, but it has helped me to enjoy more life and worry less.

Specially living ovearseas, travelling or working as a digital marketing and blogger! How connected, stressed and busy the life can be! But meditation helps to watch my thoughts and also enjoy the present moment. 

I selected the video below to help you understand a bit more and also I would love to recommend an amazing APP called InsightTimer that I use everyday and helps me a lot!

Beyond meditation, you can also listen to music tracks, talks and courses. 

The second app that I can recommend is Headspace. You can sign in and enjoy some guided meditations for free and they have some paid plans. It's also good. Whatever works for you, will be nice!

Whach the video to understand a bit more about meditation and don't forget to download my fav app InsightTimer!




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