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My Morning Routine

Hey lovely people!

I'm a morning person that loves wake up early and enjoy the first few hours of the day. I believe that how you start your day will reflect in your activities, produtivity during the day and in a long term it can also build your habits, behaviour and how you live your life. 

Months ago I was feeling a bit lazy and I spoke to my hubby about how I felt and how I would like to start waking up earlier (I usually wake up early but not as early as I would like) and I thought that maybe it was the right time to change some habits and transform my routine. It's all about how you’re feeling and an opportunity to pay attention to your own life.

So, I'm completing 3 months with my very new routine, which is making me feel so much better, full of energy and I could increase positivity and optimism in relation to my life, work and my routine activities.

I have to tell you that change one habit is not an easy thing. Your body and mind usually do it in a repetition and when you realize it, you're doing stuff like a robot. So, takes time to change one habit or you can break this cycle with a travel or a different place to observe better yourself. 

How my mourning routine looks like

Wake up

Every day at 6:15 am I wake up with the help of an alarm clock that I bought at Kmart which helps me not to use my mobile and spending time scrolling and scrolling, as well as starting my day with all these information in my fresh mind. This was amazing for my changing habits! After getting up I take a shower to really wake up.

First coffee

I loooove coffee and I'm addicted 🙈. I bought recently a Piccolini Delonghi Dolce Gusto coffee machine and I'm just loving it! The latte and capuccino is delicious. I found a bargain at The Reject Shop in Bondi Junction, Sydney for $39. So, I love the coffee smell in the morning and it's a pleasure for me wake up and have my coffee and breakfast which is basically a home made eggs, avocado and a toast.

15 minutes Yoga + Meditation

This is so important! Starting your day with some intention, detox your body, mind and have some different perspectives or different feelings about some situation or your day. Watch your thoughts and take some time for you. I like also to pray and have my moment of gratitude in this time.

Make bed

As when I wake up my hubby is still sleeping, I don't make the bed when I wake up. I think is a good idea to make as soon as you wake up, but I don't have this chance lol. So, after these 3 magic things I return to my bedroom and I make my bed and I quick organize my room.

Dress up

I use to think in the night before about the clothes that I'm going to use in my events next day. So, I just like to have some beauty routine, moisturize my skin, making up, dress up and get ready to go out. 

And then go to work and work, work, work! I love my job and what I do, so I love to spend my energy working hard to see in the end of the day how productive it was.

When I'm working home-office, I like to add my morning workout because I have a bit of extra time. I'm going to post more about how my workout looks like soon, but nowadays I’m doing my exercises at night!


Normally, I like to have a breakfast in a different cafe close to my home in Coogee beach and after that I do my workout outdoors or at the gym, depends on the day.

Everyday (even on week days), I love to spend some time by the sea, sometimes walking, swimming, feeling the breeze and listening to the ocean sound. If I could do it in the morning is perfect or if is not possible, I just go after work, but everyday I like to go to the beach and spend some time there!

That's pretty much how my morning looks like normally. Sometimes, when I'm travelling I try to follow the same rules that I have in home! In this way you will always have some time for you!!! 

What about you? How do you start your day? Leave your comment :)

Cassi xx


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